
The indoor temperature has a significant impact on the living comfort and on the building’s energy consumption and –costs. Correct indoor temperature improves the living comfort and the indoor air quality, reduces symptoms of sickness, reduces the harmful emissions of building materials and reduces the feeling of dry air during the winter season.

Most people enjoy the room temperature of 20-22 degrees Celsius and 18-21 degrees in the bedroom. This is also a healthy and energy-sufficient indoor temperature.

Notes of draft and cold are the most common sort of feedback concerning the indoor air as the temperature outside falls in the autumn time. DAS buildings are heated with district heating and the heating is adjusted automatically with thermostats according to the temperature outdoors. This means that the heating is not separately turned off in the beginning of the summer and turned back on as autumn draws nearer.

The so called heating season starts when the average temperature outside drops below +15 ºC …+17 ºC. The indoor temperature in DAS apartments is set between +19 ºC …+21 ºC. In the beginning of the heating season the indoor temperature is often considered cool even though it is in accordance of the recommended temperatures. This is caused by the relatively high humidity of the air outdoors this time a year. So, it takes some time before the structures of the buildings are fully warmed and the relative humidity outdoors has decreased.

If your room temperature varies from the set temperature mentioned above, check the DAS thermometer in your apartment and inform this temperature when making the Note of Fault. If the radiator feels cool it does not mean that it wouldn’t be working. Turn the thermostat higher. You can also vent out the excess air from the radiators with the special key which can be collected from our office. The key must be turned in the radiator valve only for a bit, no water must come out. The point of the venting is to take the possible excess air out the radiator so that water can circulate.

Please also remember that the radiators should not be blocked, for example by a sofa or bed, so that the air can circulate in the apartment. Also, one should not keep a computer “breathing out” warm air close to the radiator’s thermostat because this may disrupt the thermostat’s functioning. The thermostat’s functioning can also be disrupted by heating the apartment up with an oven or by using an extra radiator. Using extra radiators is therefore forbidden in DAS apartments (the terms of tenancy agreement, point 9) so that they do not cause disturbances in the buildings heating system.

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