HomeTenantHousing guideNotice of Termination

Terminating the Tenancy Agreement

The tenant can terminate the tenancy agreement with an electronic form (Notice of termination) or in written with the DAS form. The written notice of termination must always be dated and signed. The spouse must sign the paper form or deliver a notice with the electronic form as well. The notice of termination must be delivered to DAS Customer Service by the last day of the month no matter which method the termination is delivered with.

In agreements with no specific ending date the period for the notice of termination for the tenant is one calendar month. The period is counted from the last day of the month during which the notice has been given. Agreements with a pre-set ending dates end on the date marked on the agreement without a separate notice of termination.
The period of termination for the lessor is either three months for agreements that have lasted less than a year and six months for agreements that have lasted over a year.
The written notice of termination can be sent or delivered to DAS Customer Service. If the customer service is closed then paper form can be dropped in the mailbox next to the office main door. Remember that a postage stamp with the right date is not enough for notices sent via mail, but they must be delivered to DAS by the last day of termination. This includes the electronic forms. DAS Customer Service will offer the apartment immediately to a new applicant. Many applicants wish to see the apartment before making the tenancy agreement. DAS hopes that you would allow DAS to forward your contact details to the next person upon termination.
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