
The survival guide for shared living

The survival guide for shared living

You’ll always have company in a shared apartment, On the other hand, we all need some personal peace and space every now and then. For some people, a shared apartment is the number one choice for living in the beginning of their student life – just like an once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing and on the other hand, the affordable rent lets you spend money on some other things. Another student might have ended up in a shared apartment because nothing else was available. Whatever the reason may be, shared living comes with pros and cons just like any other type of living.

Living in a shared apartment and sharing a home with a friend or someone you don’t know beforehand can be managed with the following guidelines:

  1. get to know your flatmate on a first name -basis and exchange even phone numbers
  2. Remember that your flatmate does not have to be your best friend, but because you are sharing an apartment, it is good to establish a line of conversation: good manners include greeting your flatmate even if you feel like your interests are the polar opposites.
  3. Tell each other what you expect from living – some own peace or company, or a good mix of both?
  4. Agree and discuss the ground rules for the next basic things:
    1. what is a good amount of cleaning and how you share your duties
    2. should you both buy common cleaning equipment and toilet paper which are then also used together
    3. is it okay to invite friends and partners over
  5. Take care of the apartment on your own part, and do not use the items and food of your flatmate without permission
  6. If the shared living does not seem to work, contact DAS, we are glad to help! 

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