
DAS tips for spring cleaning and moving out

DAS tips for spring cleaning and moving out

1. Get inspired by the defrosting of the climate and defrost your own freezer, too! It is also an excellent chance to clean smudges off. Also remember to take the fridge off the wall and clean the floor and the backside of the fridge.

2. Arrange cleaning turns with your roommate; little regular cleaning saves you from great messes.

3. Cleaning is easier with the right equipment:
• hoover
• dustpan and –brush
• toilet brush
• dish cloth
• dust cloth

4. Watching the arriving spring is easier through clean windows! The window opener you can get from DAS office.

  • 5. Use the right stuff for the right spot:
    • all-purpose cleaning solution
    • toilet detergent
    • oven detergent
    • dish detergent
    Save yourself from grey hair and clean the oven and cooker straight away after use.

    6. Important backsides to clean:
    Oven and cooker
    Fridge and freezer

7. To help all everyone’s spring cleaning and moving out DAS will bring waste containers to these locations:

Kuntotie: Kuntotie 10
Asemarinne: between DAS I and DAS III address Ratakatu 8-10
Rantavitikka: on the yard between DAS Simeoni and DAS Aapo, address Ylikorvantie 25

Waste containers are at these locations during 23.5. – 6.6.2018

Please notice, NO hazardous waste or electronics to the waste containers!

8. When moving out, remember to take with you your bike and empty the storage space too.

9. Let’s keep our living environment safe together. It means that you don’t leave anything behind in the corridors or storage spaces or you don’t throw broken furniture or tv’s in front of waste containers on the yards!

10. DAS moving out instructions  and cleaning instructions

11. If needed inform your new address to post office.

12. Nice that you stayed in DAS apartment, we wish you lovely summer :-)


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