I participated in a communications fair with my colleagues in order to learn new ways of communicating. I –a Facebook-user already a bit on the elderly side – take photos with my phone and post pictures of myself, my hobbies and the foods that I’ve enjoyed. I read though my Twitter feed and sometimes I post a photo on Instagram.
We studied communal communications which obviously means the communication methods of those who work in communities in specific media channels. Our customer base is young, young that is - and a few decades younger than I am, at least. What tone of voice should we be using, so that we would be appealing and so that we’d gain followers and comments on social media?
I would like to initiate conversation about how you, tenants and students, would like DAS to communicate with you so that you would feel listened to and so that you would follow our communication channels.
The autumn is getting darker day by day and maybe we’ll be organizing a small social media contest. Stay in touch and follow. J