
Welcome new tenants!

New semester has begun and summer is turning into autumn. DAS apartments are again full of life. Students –old and new – have arrived to the city. We gathered here some tips for new tenants what to remember in the beginning of living in your student apartment • rememer to fill in apartment ca...

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Living in shared apartment during the summer

Some of the shared apartments/rooms are empty during the summer. The empty shared apartments will be cleaned by cleaning company during the summer. So if you are living in an apartment where the other room is empty the cleaners might visit the apartment some day during the summer. You don’t need to ...

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Checking the right to live in DAS apartment

DAS homes are made for students only. We check every year that the tenant has a right to live in student houses. Checking starts on week 5/2017. If you receive email or mail concernign the check, please act according to the instructions as soon as possible. If you receive a letter concernign...

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Be ecological and start using e-invoice!

New rent bills for the year 2017 are on their way to mailboxes starting on 9 December 2016. Please contact dasaspa@das.fi if you didn't receive yours. Did you know that you can also start using e-invoice when paying the rent? You need to order the e-invoice through your nebank. You will specify...

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