
Important reminder as the weather cools down

Important reminder as the weather cools down
As the weather cools down, we want to remind tenants of a few important things. 

If you ventilate your apartment, remember to close the ventilation window and/or balcony door after ventilating. In the worst case, leaving the window/door open in the winter can lead to freezing of the pipes in the apartment.

The temperature in DAS apartments is set between +19 C and + 21 C. At the beginning of the heating season, the room air is often perceived as cool. The reason for this is that the relative humidity of the air is high because of the season. It takes some time before the structures of the building are fully warm and the relative humidity low.

In DAS apartments there are thermometers and if the temperature sinks below +19 ºC -21°C, please send us a note of fault from tenant pages. 

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