Let's go to sauna!

Let's go to sauna!

We thank all who answered our questionary about sauna turns and gave feedback.

The feedback questionary was sent to 1562 tenants and all together 297 tenants answered. The response rate is 19 %, which is unfortunately quite small amount of tenants and some what low rate. Therefore it must be taken into consideration when thinking about whether the results can be generalized. However we hope that the tenants who answered are the tenants who use the saunas and consider the saunaturns to be important tenant service. According to that point of view the feedback have been given by the correct group of tenants and the possible changes in turns and or service otherwise will be done according to valid feedback. There were most respondents from houses where exchange students live when compared to amount of tenants in the location. Otherwise the amount of respondents is relative to the amount of tenants in the location.

We have modified the saunaturns according to the given feedback and according the utilization percent calculated from the booking system. In Rantavitikka area the functioning of the smart keys cause also some limitations to the possible saunatimes. Our maintenance service goes through the given free speech feedback so that possible faults can be repaired and the cozyness of the saunas can be taken into consideration as much as possible. The feedback contained also many positive comments about the saunas which delights us very much.

Maintaining the saunas is part of DAS’s long term property maintaining plan so that the sauna spaces stay in good condition. During the year 2017 for example the Anninportti D –house sauna and bathroom was renovated.  That sauna is actually one of the most used and liked saunas in DAS buildings.

The new sauna times and common turns are available right away and can be seen in the booking system calendar.

In DAS Männistö the club room next to sauna has been opened to all sauna users. The club room has been reserved only couple of times per year and together with tenant committees we decided to open the space for tenants’ use.

Link to the questionary full report is here:


DAS staff wishes nice saunahours for everyone!

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